
如何使用Buddy CI/CD交付Golang项目




在本文中,我们将为 Golang 应用程序设置一个持续交付流水线。流水线将帮助我们实现两个目的:

  1. 通过提供标准化的开发反馈循环加快开发流程
  2. 通过降低人为错误的风险来更安全地实施部署

我们将通过构建一个流水线来实现这一点,该流水线首先测试应用程序,然后构建一个Docker容器镜像(如果测试成功)。 然后将拉取Docker镜像并在DigitalOcean Droplet上运行。我们还将通过Slack和电子邮件向从事该项目的成员发送包含最新构建状态的通知。



第一步: 开始设置


  1. Golang – 以便您可以在本地运行和测试应用程序
  2. DigitalOcean CLI – 可以设置流水线所需的所有DigitalOcean资源(也可以使用GUI完成)
  3. Docker – 安装在本地开发人员机器上以容器化和运行我们的应用程序



在此文,我们将使用托托管在GitHub上的现有项目,以便更轻松地实践教程。 该应用程序是一个非常基本的HTTP服务器,使用标准的 net/http Golang库和两个GET端点以显示一些硬编码文本。




git clone https://github.com/buddy-works/learning-go.git
cd learning-go/beginner-programs/HttpServer/

现在可以使用 go run 命令启动应用程序:

go run main.go

现在您可以在localhost:8080访问应用程序。您应该会看到一个显示“Hello World!”的基本网页。



我已将Dockerfile包含在HttpServer项目的根目录中。 以下是内容:

FROM golang:1.15.0

# Set the Current Working Directory inside the container

RUN export GO111MODULE=on

# Copy go mod and sum files
COPY go.mod go.sum ./

# Download all dependencies. Dependencies will be cached if the go.mod and go.sum files are not changed
RUN go mod download

COPY . .

# Build the application
RUN go build -o main .

# Expose port 8080 to the outside world

# Command to run the executable
CMD ["./main"]


  • 第一行使用FROM关键词定义容器启动的基础镜像,然后是想要的镜像和版本(在本例中为官方Golang镜像的1.15.0版本)。
  • 之后,我们使用WORKDIR关键词设置当前工作目录,并通过将GO111MODULE变量设置为on来启用Go模块。
  • COPY 关键词允许我们将文件从主机系统复制到容器中。 在此,我们使用它将go.modgo.sum文件复制到容器中,以便我们可以使用go mod download命令安装所有需要的依赖项。
  • 安装完所有依赖项后,我们可以继续将剩余文件复制到容器中并使用go build命令构建应用程序。这将为我们提供一个可执行文件,我们可以使用CMD关键词执行该文件。



docker build -t httpserver .
docker run -p 8080:8080 httpserver

build 命令将通过执行我们在Dockerfile中定义的步骤来创建Docker镜像。-t 标志用于给Docker镜像一个特定的标签。成功构建镜像后,可以使用run命令启动容器。-p 标志用于将容器的8080端口发布到主机的8080端口 机器。在浏览器中打开 http://localhost:8080 并验证应用程序是否正常运行。

第二步: 设置DigitalOcean

在我们开始构建CI/CD流水线之前,让我们先设置所需的DigitalOcean资源并安装必要的工具。要创建资源,我们将使用DigitalOcean CLI,也称为doctl。


启动终端并使用 doctl auth init 命令向CLI验证。

使用下面的命令创建一个Droplet来托管我们的应用程序。我们使用的是DigitaloOean Docker镜像,因为我们将在本教程的最后一步使用Docker部署应用程序。

doctl compute droplet create buddy-golang --region fra1 --image docker-18-04 --size s-1vcpu-2gb


doctl compute droplet list buddy-golang


第三步: 持续集成流水线






在下一个页面上,您可以选择将添加到流水线的第一个操作。由于我们有一个用Go编写的应用程序,并且想要使用Golang工具对其进行测试和构建,我们需要添加 Go操作:


# 下载依赖
go mod download

# 执行Golang测试文件
go test ./... -v



  • go mod download 命令用于安装应用程序所需的所有依赖项。
  • go test ./... -v 命令运行目录中的所有 Golang 测试并打印结果。-v 标志,也就是verbose,用于更详细地打印测试结果,使它们在失败时更容易调试。






Running testing pipeline

第四步: 持续交付流水线

Now that the tests are successfully running, it is time to build and deploy the application on our DigitalOcean droplet. Since we want our application to be deployed using Docker, we first need to build the image and push it to some kind of a container registry before using it on our droplet.


In this step we'll build a Docker image of our application and push it to a container registry. We'll use Docker Hub as the registry, as it's the most popular and free to use for public images (plus one private image is free).


Note: Feel free to use another public registry or your own private one. If you want to know how to create your own private registry from scratch you can follow this guide.

Start by adding the Build image action from the Docker section of the action roster:

Adding Build Image action to the pipeline

Next, we need to select the Dockerfile that will serve as the basis of our image, alongside the context in which the build command will be executed. Here we choose the directory to the project:

Configuring directory for Docker Build action

Now you only need to select a registry and provide the necessary credentials for pushing the image to your account in the Options window. You can also set the repository and tag of the image:

Selecing registry for the Docker image


The next step is deploying and running the image on our DigitalOcean droplet. There is currently no official Buddy action for this (yet), so we're going to use the SSH action instead:

Adding SSH action to Buddy pipeline

After adding the action to the pipeline, we need to configure it to match our droplet settings:

  • Set the authentification mode to Password (if you are using an SSH key then select Private SSH key or Buddy workspace key instead)
  • Fill in the IP Address, username and password used to sign in to your server

Next add the following commands to the action details:

# Pull Docker image
docker pull gabrieltanner/golang-http-server:latest

# Stop and remove the container if it already exists
docker stop http-server || true && docker rm http-server || true

# Start the new container
docker run -p 8080:8080 -d --name http-server gabrieltanner/golang-http-server

Let's walk through these commands:

  • The docker pull command is used to pull our image from the container registry on the selected server
  • The second command is used to stop and remove the existing container. This needs to be done to update the container to the newly built image version. The commands will return an error if the container is not running. This is expected behavior, so we need to ignore it using ... || true.
  • The docker run command starts the container and publishes port 8080 to the host system using the -p flag.

A properly configured SSH action will look like this:

SSH action configuration


You can use environment variables to store sensitive data like login and password.

可选项: 人工审核

You can add some kind of manual confirmation to the process before deploying the new version to your production server. This can be done by adding the Wait for approval action to your pipeline:

Wait for approval configuration


Once you've finished configuring the newly added actions, it's time to rerun the pipeline to test the functionality. For that, you can either push some changes to the Git repository or click on the Run pipeline button to trigger the run manually:

Pipeline post-execution details

You now have a fully functional Continuous Integration/Deployment pipeline for your Golang application. On every push to the selected branch, However, you can still add some useful actions that keep you up to date with your applications' current build status.

第五步: (可选) 发送成功或失败通知

In this section, we will look at how we can send a notification to keep yourself and your team updated on the newest build status.

Here is a list of all available notification actions at the time of publishing this article:

Notification actions

For that, we will utilize the Email action for failing builds and the Slack action for succeeding builds, but you can also use different ones if you, for example don't use Slack.

The notifications for successful builds can be sent by adding another action on the bottom of your pipeline, which will only be executed when all other actions succeed. The failure notification action needs to be added to the ACTIONS RUN ON FAILURE section of the pipeline.

After adding the action to your pipeline, customize it using the environment variables in the action setup page. A sample email configuration could look similar to this:

Email notification


There you have it! You have successfully set up your own CI/CD pipeline for your Golang application that automatically tests and deploys your application whenever you push a change to your Git repository and even sends notifications with the current build status out to you and your colleagues. I suggest that you play around with the different Buddy actions shown in the article and further customize the settings for your purposes. Enjoy!

Complete Golang delivery pipeline