
Cloudflare integration

Learn about how Buddy integrates with Cloudflare and how you can use it to your advantage.

Cloudflare is a CDN (Content Delivery Network) which speeds up website loading time by serving the files from the server location closest to the user. You can configure Buddy to automatically invalidate Cloudflare’s cache upon every deployment by adding the Cloudflare action at the end of your pipeline:

Pipeline example


Buddy is a pipeline delivery automation tool that integrates with Cloudflare and other CDN services. Learn how to seamlessly introduce Buddy to your development workflow.

Setting up Cloudflare integration

To integrate Buddy with Cloudflare open the Integration tab and select Cloudflare from the integrations roster: Cloudflare integration

Click Set up a new Cloudflare integration: Setting up Cloudflare integration

Once you provide the integration name, there are 2 authorization methods available:

  1. Token:
  1. API Key:

Adding API Key

When ready, click Add a new integration to finish configuration.