
Bitbucket integration

Learn about how Buddy integrates with Bitbucket and how you can use it to your advantage.

Integrating your projects with Bitbucket will allow you to create delivery pipelines that will build, test and deploy your code to the server.

Pipeline example


Buddy is a pipeline delivery automation tool that integrates with Bitbucket and other source providers. Learn how to seamlessly introduce Buddy to your development workflow.

Setting up a Bitbucket integration

Setting up the integration requires authorizing Bitbucket in your project:

  1. Add a new project and choose Bitbucket as the provider: Selecting a repository
  2. Authorize Buddy in your account: ![Authorizing Buddy](https://buddy.works/docs/static/articles/integrations/bitbucket/bitbucket/bitbucket-3.png)
  3. Choose the repository from which you want to deploy.

Done! You can now proceed to creating your pipeline.