
Build multi-arch image with YAML

List of YAML parameters and examples for the \"Build multi-arch image\" action.

YAML parameters for Build multi-arch image

StringThe ID of the action.
StringThe type of the action. Should be set to DOCKER_BUILD_MULTI_ARCH.
StringThe path of the desired dockerfile in the repository.
context_pathStringThe docker build image context path.
target_stageStringSpecifes an intermediate build stage by name as a final stage for the resulting image. Commands after the target stage are skipped.
without_progressBooleanIf set to true, the output of the logs will be default. If set to false, the output of the logs will be displayed in the plain mode.
secret_idStringThe identifier to pass into the docker build --secret. This identifier is associated with the RUN --mount identifier to use in the Dockerfile.
secret_srcStringRenames the secret file to a specific file in the Dockerfile RUN command to use.
build_argsString[]The arguments used when building the image from the Dockerfile.
target_platformString[]Specifies the target platform for the build output. You can set multiple target platforms. Default value: linux/amd64. Available values: linux/amd64linux/arm64linux/riscv64linux/ppc64lelinux/s390xlinux/386linux/arm/v7linux/arm/v.
docker_image_tagStringThe tag of the Docker image.
loginStringThe username required to connect to the server. Required for delivering the Dockerfile to a private registry.
passwordStringThe password required to connect to the server. Required for delivering the Dockerfile to a private registry.
integration_hashStringThe ID of the integration. Required for delivering the Dockerfile to the Amazon ECR, Google GCR and Docker Hub.
regionStringThe name of the Amazon S3 region. Required for delivering the Dockerfile to the Amazon ECR. The full list of regions is available here.
registryStringThe url to GCR. Can be one of gcr.io, us.gcr.io, eu.gcr.io or asia.gcr.io. Required for Google GCR.
repositoryStringThe location of the Docker repository.

YAML example for Build multi-arch image

- action: "Build multi-arch image"
dockerfile_path: "Dockerfile"
context_path: "/contextPath"
target_stage: "$targetStage"
without_progress: true
secret_id: "$secretId"
secret_src: "$path_to_secret"
- "key=value"
target_platform: "linux/amd64,linux/arm64"